Looking for a cat weight-loss plan?
Cats are at risk of developing osteoarthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and respiratory disease, joint problems and kidney disease if their weight is not appropriately managed. It’s important to identify if there are potential underlying medical causes for obesity prior to beginning a weight loss program.
Below we provide our top tips to help your cat lose weight:
- First of all, always confirm if there are underlying medical issues with your vet
- Understand what your cat’s ideal weight needs to be
- Follow the vet’s advice, but understand it is a gradual process to losing weight
- Make the change to your cat's food and feeding schedule as recommended by your vet
- Always measure out the daily food servings – stop "free feeding" and count the calories you are giving
- Stop giving treats, don’t give in to begging and absolutely no human food!
- Increase daily play sessions - use puzzles, toys and climbing post
- Keep your cat's water bowl full at all times
- Maintain a record of progress
- Revisit the vet periodically for a progress check-in
Managing your overweight cat can be a challenge and requires real discipline, especially as it was probably your love that got it there in the first place. Getting your cat's weight back to normal will give you back that energetic and fun-loving pet you once had.