7 Questions on Dog Supplements Our Vets Get Asked the Most

What kind of supplements should I give my dog?

Always consult a veterinarian before giving your pet supplements, but one might recommend health supplements to help with several things such as:

  • Joint health
  • Kidney health
  • Heart health
  • Gut health
  • Digestion
  • Coat quality

  • But when it comes down to everyday use and boosting overall health, are supplements necessary for dogs? We always recommend consulting your Vet or get in touch with one of our Vets to suggest what is right for your pet.

    What are pet vitamins?

    Vitamins are natural compounds that are necessary for health, growth and sustaining life. They are hugely responsible for the chemical reactions within a dog’s body such as muscle growth and are obtained by eating food. Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and B vitamins are examples of necessary vitamins for dogs and can be found in most commercial dog foods (make sure the label says "complete and balanced nutrition"). Vitamin C is an exception, as unlike humans, dogs can synthesise it on their own, so they do not need to eat foods with vitamin C.

    Should I give my dog multivitamins?

    Many dogs receive a balanced diet with the nutrients they need from commercial dog foods. Reputable dog food manufacturers create carefully balanced foods with just the right amount of all the nutrients they need. So, giving your dog an extra vitamins or minerals through supplementation can be bad for them, such as too much vitamin A potentially causing dehydration and joint pain, or too much protein leading to weight gain. This is why you must always consult a veterinarian and follow their advice on what to take and when.

    What are some reasons for supplementing my dog?

    A vet might recommend supplementation for your dog’s diet for a number of reasons. These can include: your dog is on a home-prepared diet and needs certain nutrients for balance, they have a condition such as joint pain or constipation, or to improve their skin and coat quality.

    What kind of delivery methods are there?

    Supplements have different forms that they can be delivered in, depending on what they are for or who they are made by. Liquid drops can be put into your dog’s food or directly into their mouths, as can tablets. There are also powders that can be mixed into your pet’s food and these absorb into our bodies much faster than tablets. To be more enticing for your pet, they can come with flavouring such as Bondi Pet’s stock of Natural Pet Supplements’ bacon-flavoured powder.

    What’s the difference between natural supplements and scientific-based supplements?

    Natural dog supplements are created with concentrated, dried whole foods or plant-based materials – natural ingredients. They do not tend to have unfamiliar chemicals in them, and provide one or more vitamins, enzymes, herbs, amino acids, or other nutrients our pets may need a boost in for their diet. Then there are synthetic nutrients. These will be found in more scientific-based supplements and are designed to mimic natural products. But, because they are made industrially, scientists can fine-tune each supplement, and synthetic nutrients are absorbed into the body more effectively than natural ones.

    Can I give my dog human supplements?

    You should NOT give your dog human supplements, especially ones containing zinc and iron, as these can cause permanent damage to their bodies. The wrong supplements can cause vomiting, drooling, and abdominal discomfort. Should your dog accidentally consume a vitamin for a human, it is a good idea to check with a vet over the phone on what to do, as the outcome could depend on the dog’s size and age. It’s always best to play it safe!
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